Imago Oiseaux

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Imago Oiseaux

Bantams are the only size chickens that I am brreding currently. I have Mottled Cochins that I purchased from a breeder in Virginia. They were born in July and will be producing eggs in the Spring of '10. I do plan too let them go broody and produce their own chicks instead of me incubating. Cochins are known for their calm nature, and they are sweet. But don't be fooled, bantams are the Chihuahua of the poultry world. The only thing they lack is size.

Future plans for bantams are getting a breeding trio of Mottled D'uccles (pronounced dew-clays). I am unsure of any local breeder and wouldn't be getting these birds until summer. I really do hope for a great set of birds, but am unsure of what I'll find. If you know anyone in Nc that has some chicks then let me know! Bantams need half the size of standards. This equals 2 square feet in the coop and 5 in the run. Of course the more space, the happier the hens. Bantams can lay in a 10" square nest box with ease. Our chickens stay in a 8x8 coop with 2 nestboxes. They eat a 50:50 mix of layer pellets and scratch.

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